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February 2025
Paper "Pepticombisomes: Biomimetic Vesicles Crafted from Recombinant Supercharged Polypeptides with Uniformly Distributed Side-Chains" is published in Advanced Science.
Congratulations to the authors!


We are excited to share that Esra received the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowship. Congratulations! ​

We are proud to announce that Mariia Vorobii defended her Ph.D. thesis on 06.02.2025. Congratulations Mariia!

January 2025
Paper "Recent Advances in Grating Coupled Surface Plasmon Resonance Technology" is published in Advanced Optical Materials, and highlighted on the inside front cover! Congratulations to the authors!

BIMPS researchers attended a networking meeting hosted by the Turkish Consulate General in Barcelona, connecting with Turkish researchers in the city. The team introduced the research conducted in our group and explored potential collaborations. We thank the Consulate for kindly inviting us to this valuable event.

December 2024
We are thrilled to announce that César has been awarded the prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant! This highly competitive funding program supports exceptional scientists in establishing and strengthening their independent research teams. César’s success places him among the top 14.2% of over 2,300 applicants across Europe in this funding cycle. With this grant, our team will advance the development of Phagocytic Synthetic Cells (PSCs) to combat antibiotic-resistant pathogens. Congratulations César!

Paper: "Advanced Antibacterial Strategies for Combatting Biomaterial-Associated Infections: A Comprehensive Review" is published in WIREs Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology. Congratulations Esra and Manuela!

November 2024
We are excited to share that our former student, Marc Becker, has been awarded the Leibniz Trainee Award. Congratulations Marc!

September 2024
Esra Kasapgil was awarded the prestigious Beatriu de Pinós postdoctoral grant, funded by the Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR, Catalan Government). Congratulations Esra!

June 2024
Dunja has been awarded the competitive la Caixa Doctoral INPhINIT Incoming fellowship. Congratulations!

Congrats to Manuela for successfully defending her Ph.D. Thesis! We wish her all the best in the future!

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April 2024
We are happy to announce that Tiziana has been awarded the “Excellent Graduate” prize by La Sapienza University of Rome. The award is granted to students based on their academic career and curriculum vitae.  Tiziana will receive the prize during a ceremony to be held on the 16th of May in the Aula Magna of La Sapienza.

February 2024
We are excited to announce that César is appointed as a visiting professor of West China School of Medicine/West China Hospital at Sichuan University. This will promote the exchange of scientists and research results at a high level. Congratulations!

We are proud to announce that Adriano Caliari received the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowship. Congratulations!

Esra Kasapgil was awarded the prestigious Tübitak fellowship for Postdoctoral scientists. Congratulations! We are looking forward to welcome her in our group.

December 2023
Paper: "Glycan-Driven Formation of Raft-Like Domains with Hierarchical Periodic Nanoarrays on Dendrimersome Synthetic Cells" is published in Biomacromolecules. Congratulation Anna and all co-authors!

Paper: "Green Solvent-Based Antifouling Polymer Brushes Demonstrate Excellent Hemocompatibility" is published in Langmuir. Congratulation Jenny and all co-authors!

November 2023
César presented the work of our group as Keynote speaker at the NanoBio&Med Conference in Barcelona! Manuela and Lena also presented their work at this conference.

Paper: "Brush-Like Coatings Provide a Cloak of Invisibility to Titanium Implants" is published in Macromolecular Bioscience. Congratulation Lena & Manuela and all co-authors!

October 2023

Paper: "Synthetic Evolution of a Supramolecular Harpooning Mechanism to Immobilize Vesicles at Antifouling Interfaces" is published in Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics. Congratulation Jenny & Lena and all co-authors!

Lena presented her work on hemocompatible coatings at the 7th Young Polymer Scientists Seminar in Madrid.

Tiziana, Manuela, Maria José and Lena presented their work at the 16th IBEC Symposium. Tiziana and Manuela received the best poster award for their work on synthetic cells. Congratulations!

September 2023
Paper: "Tackling the Root Cause of Surface-Induced Coagulation: Inhibition of FXII Activation to Mitigate Coagulation Propagation and Prevent Clotting" is published in Macromolecular Bioscience. Congratulation Lena and all co-authors!

Manuela, Jenny and Lena visited the ESB conference in Davos and presented their work related to bioinspired surface coatings.

César was invited to give a talk about our work at the University of Barcelona, the WCHSU/IBEC Symposium, the University of Santiago de Compostela, and University of A Coruña.

August 2023
César participated in the Gordon Reserach Conference, Soft Condensed Matter Physics in New Hampshire.

July 2023
César participated in the Gordon Reserach Conference, Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering in New Hampshire.

June 2023
César was invited to give a talk about biointerfaces and synthetic cells at the
Catalan Institute of Chemical Research in Barcelona.

César participated in the Gordon Reserach Conference, Artificial Molecular Switchesand Motors in New Hampshire.

Nina, César, Jenny, Tiziana, Maria José and Manuela (from left to right) presented their work at the Advanced Functional Polymers for Medicine Conference in Barcelona.

May 2023
César was invited to give a talk about synthetic cells at
SynCell 2023 in Minneapolis and visited the Gordon Research Conference, Self-Assembly and Supramolecular Chemistry in Switzerland.

Jenny presented the advances of our projects Heart2.0 and AntiBacCat at the Bio4MatPro Annual Meeting in Düsseldorf.

April 2023
César was invited to present the work of our group at
Institute of Polymer Science and Technology in Madrid and at the Rovira i Virgili University in Tarragona.

February 2023
César was invited to present the work of our group at Interfaces of Biological and Bio-inspired Materials for Future BioDevices, Tokyo Institute of Technology – RWTH workshop in Tokyo.

Lena presented the work of synthetic cells at the Neuroblastoma Therapy Symposium in Barcelona.

January 2023
César presented our work on synthetic cells at the Build-a-Cell seminar.

December 2022
César was invited to give a talk at the Polymat Institute in San Sebastian.

November 2022
César presented the work of our group as Keynote speaker at the NanoBio&Med Conference in Barcelona! Lena also presented her work at this conference.

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September 2022
Dominik, Anna and Anton presented the advances of our group at Biomembrane Days 2022 Conference in Berlin! Anna won best poster award!!!!! Congratulations Anna! Great job!!!  


September 2022
Paper "Zwitterionic dendrimersomes: a closer xenobiotic mimic of cell membranes" is accepted in Advanced Materials! Congratulations Anton, Anna and all coauthors!!!  

September 2022
Lena, Jonas, Dominik, Anna and Anton presented the advances of our group at GDCh MAKRO 2022 Conference in Aachen! 

July 2022
Interactive Hemocompatible Nanocoating to Prevent Surface-Induced Coagulation in Medical Devices is published in Advanced Materials Interfaces!!! Congratulations Jonas, Manuela, Lena, Jenny and all coauthors!!!

May 2022
Paper "Dendrimersome Synthetic Cells Harbor Cell Division Machinery of Bacteria" is published in Advanced Materials and highlighted in back cover! Congratulations Anna, Anton and all coauthors!!!

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May 2022
Lena and Jenny precente poster "Smart surfaces: Interactive coating directs blood to fight against thrombi" at SPP Spring School in Hannover. Well done!!!

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February 2022
Paper "Ionic Combisomes: A New Class of Biomimetic Vesicles to Fuse with Life" is published in Advance Science and highlighted in front cover! Congratulations Anna, Jonas and all coauthors!!!


February 2022
Paper "Brush-Like Interface on Surface-Attached Hydrogels Repels Proteins and Bacteria" is published in Macromolecular Bioscience! Congratulations Lena, Yannik, Manuela and all coauthors!!!

February - April 2022
Lena will spend two months in the group of Prof. Keith Cook at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA. During her internship, she will work on improvement of hemocompatibility of medical devices (financially supported by the Graduate Support Program of the SPP 2014: Towards an Implantable Lung). Good luck, Lena!!!

February, 2022
Cesar was awarded the Macromolecular rapid communication Jouniour Researcher Prize at Macromolecular Colloquium in Freiburg 2022 for his outstanding research achievements! Congratulations, Cesar!!!


January, 2022
Jenny started her Ph.D. after a successful defense of her Master thesis.  Good luck, Jenny!!!

October, 2021
Amazing work on the development of Kill&Repel Coatings for wound dressings is accepted for publication in Advanced Functional Materials. Now we are one step closer to solve the problem of chronic wounds and other medical devices in risk of bacterial contamination! This work was led by Manuela with help of the other coauthors. Congratulations to all authors! And particular to Manuela!!!

December, 2021
Mariia's work on the development of oriented immobilization of Pep19-2.5 on antifouling brushes to fight Staphylococcus aureus biofilm was published in Progress in Organic Coatings. Congratulations to Mariia and all authors!

February, 2022
The work on Kill&Repel Coatings for wound dressings is highlighted in a front cover in Advanced Functional Materials. Congratulations!!!

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September, 2021
Rodriguez-Emmenegger Lab in collaboration with the group of Prof. Gompper, Prof. Herrmann, and Prof. Hecht got two interdisciplinary Seed Fund Projects for Synthesizing Life-Like Material Systems from RWTH Aachen University on the development of synthetic cells. Congratulations!!!

August, 2021
It is pleasure to announce that Lena has been awarded a Biomaterials Science poster prize at Biointerfaces International conference Zurich 2021! She received CHF 500.00 for her research and a 1-year subscription to the Biomaterials Science journal. Congratulations Lena!  We are proud of you!!!


June, 2021
Beautiful work on unraveling the mechanism and kinetics of binding of an LCI-eGFP-polymer to the surface is published in Macromolecular Bioscience. This work set the basis of Dominik's master thesis. Congratulations to all authors! And particular to Dominik!!!

June, 2021
After successful defense of his Master thesis, Yannick Meurer will start his Ph.D. in Freiburg in the group of Prof. Rühe.
Yannick, Congratulations!!! We wish you good luck and success!!!.


April, 2021
Our project "ANVIVES" was funded with € 90 000 by the Innovation Sprint initiative of RWTH for the development of the prototype and commercialization of the product. The selection was made by an external jury of experts and approved by the Rectorate of RWTH Aachen University.

February 22, 2021
Our outstanding work on the improvement of hemocompatibility of blood-contacting devices got accepted in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. We developed a novel smart nanocoating that detects dangerous macroscopic thrombus and directs blood to disintegrate it. This work opens a new era for hemocompatible blood-contacting medical devices. Congratulations to all authors! And particular to Fabian and Lena!!!


January 25, 2021

Our important paper 'Enhanced Concanavalin A Binding to Preorganized Mannose Nanoarrays in Glycodendrimersomes Revealed Multivalent Interactions' got accepted in Angewandte Chemie as Hot Paper. Together with Virgil Percec and Mike Klein, we showed that glycans’ 2-D nanoorganization at the cell membrane results in more effective ligands. Congratulations!!!


January 22, 2021

New front cover in theme collection 'Remodelling of Biomembranes' of Soft Matter!!!

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September 1, 2020
Jonas Quandt started his Ph.D. and David Schroeter will start his Master thesis in our team. Both will work on the synthesis of arborescent polymers. Good luck, guys!!!

August 5, 2020

Our beautiful paper on shape transformations of dendrimersomes is published in Soft Matter in the special collection theme 'Remodelling of Biomembranes'. Congratulations Nina, Anna, Tamás, and Cesar!!!!!!divAbstract

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February 26-29, 2020

Manuela and Lena participated in ESAO Winter School 2020.




​​​​​​​​​December 12, 2019

Cesar is an invited speaker at Biomembrane Days 2019 in Berlin!!!

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July 31, 2019

The paper "Compact Grating-Coupled Biosensor for the Analysis of Thrombin" from Mariia and Daria was just accepted in ACS Sensors!!!

Together with the group of Dostalek we developed a way to directly quantify thrombin in blood. Thrombin is the enzyme responsible for coagulation and its regulation is fundamental for the correct hemostasis especially in critical patient.




July 15, 2019

The paper "Membrane-mimetic dendrimersomes engulf living bacteria via endocytosis" was just accepted in Nano Letters!!!


July 8, 2019


Pilar Bologna started her two months internship.

Welcome and Good Luck, Pilar!!!

July 4, 2019

Fabian's paper was just accepted in Advanced Materials Interfaces!!!


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July 1, 2019

Laura Rohmann joined our team as a PhD student. 

Welcome, Laura!!!


April 1, 2019


Jan Tenbusch joined our team as a PhD student

Welcome, Jan!!!

March 1, 2019

Manuela Garay Anna Wagner and Anton Josef joined the team. 

Welcome, Manuela, Anna and Anton!!!


March 1, 2019

Our new publication was highlighted in Penn Today

Our new publication in collaboration with Prof. Virgil Percec "Encoding Biological Recognition in a Bicomponent Cell-Membrane Mimic" resently published in PNAS was highlighted by E. K. Brockmeier “Cells use sugars to communicate at the molecular level” in Penn Today.

In this publication we report the discovery of ordered periodic nanoarrays on the surface of glycodendrimersomes self-assembled from sequence defined Janus glycodendrimers. The nanosegregated morphologies enhance the interaction with sugar-binding proteins in comparison with densely packed arrangements of sugars. Importantly, this provides a mechanism to encode the reactivity of sugars via their interaction with sugar-binding proteins. The observed sugar phase-separated hierarchical arrays with lamellar and hexagonal morphologies are among the most complex architectures yet discovered in soft matter.

February 1, 2019

Dominik Söder successfully defended his master thesis and started his PhD.

Congratulations and Good Luck, Dominik!!!  

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